Deaf Awareness Week 2023 runs from 01-07 May 2023. This years’ theme is “Access to Communication” and we want to help you achieve just that!
Around 1 in 6 people experience some degree of hearing loss. 7 in 10 people affected by hearing loss are over 70, and this number is expected to increase by 50% in the next 20 years.
People with hearing loss can often feel misunderstood, isolated or invisible. These are feelings which are already common in an older population, so this Deaf Awareness Week we are asking ourselves what we can do to help.

What is Deaf Awareness Week?
Deaf Awareness Week is a crucial event that aims to raise awareness of the communication needs of deaf and hard of hearing individuals, advocate for greater access to communication tools and services, and promote the creation of a more inclusive society where everyone has equal communication access.
Did you know that communication is considered a basic human right? Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights explicitly states how indispensable communication is for exercising other fundamental human rights.
How can I support Deaf Awareness Week?
To support the Deaf Awareness Week movement, you can share British Sign Language clips on NHS inform and YouTube, use Relay UK to communicate with NHS services, or connect with Contact Scotland BSL to communicate with BSL users and NHS 24 phone services.
Additionally, you can join the UK Council on Deafness national campaign on social media to amplify Deaf Awareness Week’s messages. Follow @UKCouncilonDeafness on Twitter and use the campaign hashtag #DeafAwarenessWeek to get involved. You can also display their campaign poster to spread awareness.
By participating in Deaf Awareness Week, you can make a big difference in how deaf and hard of hearing people are perceived and treated in society.
If you have any concerns about your hearing or how you can support a loved one with hearing loss, contact DigiClear today.