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When it comes to hearing aids, many people think that they’re big and bulky; however, that’s no longer the case. Hearing aid technology has come a long way, with many devices now boasting Bluetooth connectivity and the ability to stream audio and phone calls from your smartphone. Hearing devices are now designed to suit all degrees of hearing loss and lifestyles. In this blog, we’ll be debunking some of the common misconceptions we’ve heard about hearing aids.

Common Misconceptions

There’s quite often a stigma surrounding hearing aids, and quite often, it’s due to a lack of knowledge! How many of the following have you been guilty of believing?

  • ‘Hearing aids restore hearing’: Hearing aids help to amplify sound, making it louder and clearer. They don’t restore normal hearing, but help to improve hearing for those suffering. Many hearing aid devices filter out background noise and use directional microphones to enhance your hearing experience. They can also take some getting used to and multiple adjustments to find the perfect settings for you and your hearing needs.
  • ‘Hearing aids are only for the elderly’: In the UK, around 40% of over 50s have hearing loss, rising to 70% for over 70s. Although hearing loss is more common in older adults, it can affect people of all ages. In fact, studies have shown that individuals aged between 19 – 29 years of age use headphones for an average of 7.8 hours a week, with sound exposure coming in as the second leading cause of hearing loss. Young adults could be more susceptible to noise-induced hearing loss depending on the volume they listen at. With new technology changes, hearing aids now appeal to a wider age group. If you are struggling with your hearing, please don’t hesitate to get in touch. Our friendly audiologists are here to help you.
  • ‘Hearing aids are only for severe hearing loss’: Hearing aids are designed for various degrees of hearing loss, including mild, moderate and severe cases. It’s best to seek treatment as soon as you notice it, to prevent hearing loss worsening. Book a consultation with us today!
  • ‘Hearing aids are bulky’: Modern hearing aids come in various styles and sizes, many of which tend to be a lot more discreet than before. Hearing aids are now designed to be inconspicuous, fitting inside or behind the ear. They even have invisible options! Aswell as different styles and sizes, they are also available in various colours, whether you prefer a classic beige, sparkly silver, or a bright blue – our manufacturers have got it. These are just a small selection of the modern hearing aids we have to offer:

Signia Silk Charge&Go

This device is designed to be discreet. It features rechargeable batteries and a wireless charging case. As well as this, the device uses advanced hearing technology to focus on speech from the front. Making it the perfect device for hearing in noisy environments. The Silk Charge&Go can also be easily adjusted through the Signia app.

ReSound Nexia

The Resound Nexia features Auracast Bluetooth technology which allows connection to private and public places such as airport speakers. You can also stream calls from your smartphone to your hearing aid, by sampling double-tap on the device. The Resound Nexia comes as a discreet behind-the-ear hearing aid and can be controlled through the ReSound Smart 3D app.

Widex Moment

The Widex Moment hearing aid enhances natural sound to deliver clearer and higher-quality hearing for users. It has a rechargeable case and has been made with fewer gaps to reduce moisture damage. It can be controlled through the Widex Moment app. Additionally, the Widex moment comes in a selection of colours – including bright blue, red, pink and navy – You’ll be spoilt for choice!

  • ‘Hearing aids are too expensive’: While hearing aids can be a significant investment, the cost of these devices varies depending on the model and features. We offer hearing aids from many different manufactures, so that you have more choice when deciding. We’ve got various hearing aid packages available to provide the best care and advice for your individual needs.
  • ‘You don’t need two hearing aids if you have hearing loss in only one ear’: Using two hearing aids is recommended, even if hearing loss is present in only one ear. This can improve sound, speech understanding in noise and the overall listening experience.
  • ‘Hearing aids are impractical’: Modern hearing aids are better compared with Bluetooth headphones. All of our manufactures offer mobile apps whereby you can easily connect your hearing aids and adjust settings to fit your preferences. These apps also allow you to stream audio, phone calls and connect to other devices through Bluetooth! Here are some of our manufactures that have mobile apps for their devices: Widex, Audio Service, Vista, Resound, Audibel, Signia.

If you would like to find out more about hearing aids and get a better understanding of how hearing aids work, please read our previous blog here!

Everyone experiences hearing loss differently. Whatever your age, level of hearing loss, or the difficulties you’re experiencing, we’re here to help. At Digiclear we take the time to get to know our clients, to ensure we can provide you with the best advice possible. If you suspect hearing loss in yourself, or a loved one, then please don’t hesitate to get in touch!

Let our family help your family! Book a consultation with our friendly audiologists who will provide you with any assistance.